At CORPSMART™ we specialize in the search, filing and retrieval of public records in the United States and abroad. We are committed to delivering unparalleled service to our diverse client base that is always accurate, on-time and personal. This is the CORPSMART™ way of meeting and exceeding customer expectations.
CORPSMART™ aspires to make a positive disruption in the financial and legal sector with a simplified process that takes the science out of entity management and lending due diligence.
In a fast-paced industry, clients demand efficiency to meet deadlines, close loans quickly, streamline servicing, and eliminate the need for multiple vendors. Our online platform is an extension of our team that offers a user-friendly experience, providing access to all services, portfolio tracking, and access to all historical documents, including invoices and completed work.
CORPSMART™ is a public records research company that specializes in due diligence services for lawyers, lenders, businesses and entrepreneurs. The services that we provide ensure that business transactions are handled with confidence. CORPSMART™’s services include corporate, Uniform Commercial Code, registered agent representation in all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia and many foreign jurisdictions, licensing and other public records research services.
With over 100+ years in combined industry experience we’ve crafted a well-versed team of representatives including domestic and international correspondents. The CORPSMART™ team is dedicated to helping clients put due diligence pieces together to meet deadlines, minimize risk, satisfy statutory requirements and close transactions with confidence.
CORPSMART™ representatives specialize in everything from lien searches and UCC filings to corporate formations and DMV recording services. Our continued education and active approach ensures that clients receive the best service and accurate results every time.
Contact us today to learn more about our services or if you have any questions. To place a new service request, fill out our Online Ordering Form.
For immediate assistance, call us toll-free at (800) 737-8009.